Statute and Membership

Chapter I: General provisions
Article 1: Name and Seat
The name of the Association is “Independence of Transylvania”.
The seat of the Association is at Møllegaardsvej 32, 6933 Kibæk, Denmark.
The Association may also open branches in other localities in the country and abroad, in accordance with the legislation in force.
Article 2: Aims and Objectives
The main purpose of the Association is to support the independence of Transylvania. to promote the cultural, economic and social identity of Transylvania.
The objectives of the Association shall include: a. To support the independence of Transylvania according to international law.
b. Organizing cultural, educational and social events to promote Transylvanian heritage. c. Supporting local economic and social initiatives. d. Collaboration with other national and international organizations having similar aims.
Article 3: Duration
The Association is established for an indefinite duration.
Chapter II: Members of the Association
Article 4: Categories of Members
Members of the association may be: a. Founding members – persons who participated in the establishment of the association. b. Active members – persons who subsequently join the association and actively participate in its activities. c. Honorary members – persons who, through their activity, significantly support the aims of the association.
Article 5: Rights and Obligations
Members of the Association have the following rights: a. To attend the General Assembly with the right to vote. b. To be informed about the activities of the Association. c. To participate in all actions and events organized by the Association.
The members of the association have the following obligations: a. To respect the statutes and internal regulations of the association. b. To participate actively in the realization of the aims and objectives of the association. c. To pay the membership fee set by the General Assembly.
Article 6: Termination of Membership
Membership is terminated by: a. Voluntary withdrawal. b. Expulsion for non-compliance with the statutes or internal rules. c. Non-payment of membership fees for 3 consecutive months.
Chapter III: Management and Control Bodies
Article 7: General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the association, consisting of all members with voting rights.
The General Assembly shall meet at least once a year and whenever necessary at the convocation of the Governing Board or at the request of at least one third of the members.
Article 8: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the executive body of the association, elected by the General Assembly for a 4-year term.
The Governing Board consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and other elected members.
The Governing Board ensures the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and manages the day-to-day business of the association.
Chapter IV: Assets and Financial Resources
Article 9: Initial Assets
The initial patrimony of the association is 0 dkk constituted by the contributions of the founding members.
Article 10: Sources of Financing
The Association may finance its activities from: a. Membership fees. b. Donations and sponsorships. c. Grants and subventions.
Article 11: Administration of Funds
The funds of the Association shall be used exclusively for the fulfillment of its statutory aims and objectives.
Funds shall be managed in accordance with the legislation in force and the decisions of the General Assembly.
Chapter V: Final Provisions
Article 12: Amendment of the Statutes
Amendments to the Statutes may be made only by a decision of the General Assembly by a vote of at least two thirds of the members present.
Article 13: Dissolution and Liquidation of the Association
The dissolution of the Association may be decided by a resolution of the General Assembly, with the vote of at least two thirds of the members.
In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Association shall be distributed in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly and the legislation in force.
Article 14: Final Provisions
These Statutes shall enter into force on the date of approval by the General Assembly.
Any matters not provided for in these Statutes shall be settled in accordance with the legislation in force and the decisions of the General Assembly.
This Statute was approved by the constitutive General Assembly of the Association “Independence of Transylvania” on 07.09.2024
Møllegaardsvej 32, 6933 Kibæk, Denmark